Netiquette for Online Learning

Your academic success is our top priority for you as a student. Online learning and classroom learning follow basically the same rules. The following are netiquette guidelines that may help you to communicate successfully as you learn online.

  1. Ensure clear self-identification in all communications. Sign in to your online class only through your university account.
  2. Be punctual: Always be on time, log in 10 minutes before the class to ensure all the required communication settings for the online class are working properly.
  3. Follow the online class rules. Take the time of reading them before every class, as they may differ from class to class.
  4.  Examine your writing and try to interpret it objectively. Make sure to deliver your message with the right words. Without the proper context, all caps or exclamation marks can be misunderstood as expressing violence, anger, or disrespectful humor.
  5. Use kind respectful words in your writing. Always be friendly and humble
  6. Consider the privacy of others. Do not give personal information or email address of other students unless you have their permission.
  7.  Please do not spam. Please do not use your online classroom connections to forward emails and links about your political/spiritual beliefs.
  8. Report problem. If someone is being rude or inappropriate report them to the responsible instructor of your online class.